Hypnobirthing at Home is an online hypnobirthing programme helping couples to push out fears and anxieties surrounding birthing. Instead couples go in to birthing feeling empowered, confident and excited,  fully equipped with all the tools and techniques needed to enjoy a much more positive birth experience. 

Learn from Sophie Fox BSC Psych Dip PH a hypnotherapist, doula and hypnobirthing teacher and founder of www.Hypnobirthingforyou.co.uk with over 10 years experience in helping couples all over the UK and the chosen Hypnobirthing Teacher for the antenatal company Noobies. Sophie is trained in both Marie Mongan and Katherine Graves techniques and teaches in Harley Street and locations all over London. Other contributors include Physiotherapist Physio Laura, Osteopath Nargis Ahmad and Dr Robin Fawcett who all offer their own advice and tips surrounding labour and birth. 

The online course is designed to teach you everything you need to know from the comfort of your own home at your own pace for a great value price - meaning hypnobirthing is accessible to couples all over the world. Every woman deserves the opportunity to access a positive birth so by keeping the price low we hope that everyone has the chance to access the tools to achieve the best birth possible.

Course Curriculum

  • 1


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    The Fear Factor

    • The Fear Factor

    • The Automatic Nervous System

    • How do animals birth so easily?

    • The result of fear and relaxation in birth

    • Test your knowledge on FEAR!

  • 3

    Re-learning labour

    • How your uterine muscles work in labour and birthing

    • Hormones in Labour

    • Mind your language!

    • Test your knowledge on RE-THINKING LABOUR!

  • 4

    Your toolkit

    • Breathing Techniques

    • Endorphins

    • Countdown Deepener

    • Countdown Deepener Script Download

    • Countdown Deepener Audio download

    • Visualisations

    • Affirmations

    • Hypnobirthingathome Affirmations

    • Hypnobirthingathome birthingscript

    • Perineal Massage

    • Hypnobirthing Handbook

    • Test your knowledge on your hypnobirthing TOOLS!

  • 5

    Hypnobirthing Exercises

    • Countdown Deepener

    • Endorphins Exercise

    • Visualisations Exercise

    • Hypnobirthing Affirmations

    • Calm Breathing

    • Surge Breathing

    • Birth Breathing

    • Extra Help

  • 6

    Osteopathy for pregnancy and birthing

  • 7

    Final Thoughts

Push out fear and anxiety and instead feel confident and excited about the birth of your baby.